SPRING! and all things -ing

All about the ending -ING activities for Kindergarten and First GradeSPRING IS HERE!
{well, it feels like it, anyway}
What better time to introduce the ending -ing.
ING literacy spelling and word work activities to teach about the ending ing featuring the King of ING for Kindergarten and First Grade
I had my students print an ing sentence on a sentence strip.
Fun ideas and literacy activities for learning about the ending ING. #kindergarten #1stgrade #literacy
I was sleeping.

Then I had them circle the ing in their sentence.
Fun ideas and literacy activities for learning about the ending ING. #kindergarten #1stgrade #literacy

We added the 'King of ING' crown.
Fun ideas and literacy activities for learning about the ending ING. #kindergarten #1stgrade #literacy

Fun ideas and literacy activities for learning about the ending ING. #kindergarten #1stgrade #literacy
They were quite proud to wear these home!!!
Fun ideas and literacy activities for learning about the ending ING. #kindergarten #1stgrade #literacy
...except some of the girls were wondering why they had to be called the
'King of ing' instead of the 'Queen of ing'...lol

Here are some more hands-on, engaging activities that go well with teaching about -ING:
Learning about the ending -ING with activities for Kindergarten and First Grade
sorting words with -ING, not with -ING
Learning about the ending -ING with activities for Kindergarten and First Grade
worksheets, King of ING crowns, sorting cards, real and nonsense words


  1. Such a great idea! I will be using this next month for sure! Thanks for sharing!

    Ѽ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

  2. My kids loved it! So glad yours did too! Thanks for the shout out!

    Mrs Johnson’s First Grade

  3. Love the crowns!! I am sure your kiddos really enjoyed this activity.


  4. Saw this on Pinterest! Thank you so much! It goes with what I am teaching this week. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  5. I used your crown yesterday and today! I posted about it today and linked back to you!
    Conversations in Literacy

  6. I love this idea! I just created a Queen of -ing template {if you're interested} and linked back to this post. Thanks for sharing!
    - Amanda
    Inspired in Second

  7. Anita, May I use one of your ideas from your blog in a painting I do for a calendar called
    "Time For School" You can go to my blog ellenstoufferstudio.blogspot.com to see my 2013 school calendar. I am working on the 2014 right now. Thank you for your consideration. I taught art for 25 years.


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